43. The Expendables 2

After not thinking much of the first Expendables I was approaching this with little optimism. To be honest it's not much better but it does just about enough to be entertaining. Arnie and Brucie weigh in with more screentime this time around and generally there is a lot of fun to be had with the half-witted, knuckle headed banter.

The less said about the Stallone's 'script' the better - the film is at it's worst when it tries to be earnest or in anyway 'emotional' - stick to the wise cracks and explosions and we'll all be having a better time!

Chuck Norris is pretty good, Jet Li buggers off after about ten minutes (as one of our more able bodied heroes I was hoping he'd stick around after his energetic turn during the intro) but overall Van Damme come out of it best of all. He's suitably mean as the villain 'Villian' (RE: the script) and proves he can still perform a mean roundhouse kick to the face!

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